Planning of errors, arrangements and testing of the secondary protection relays of the Substation 20 KV.
Relay SPAJ 140 A.B.B.
Relay SPAJ 140 A.B.B.
Planning, design, installation and arrangement of the secondary protection relays of the Substation 20 KV. ( Relay SPAJ 140 A.B.B )
Planning and construction of two switchboards for protection of Transformers 150/20 KV of power 100 MVA.
Planning, construction and installation of switchboard for protection, remote controls and remote indications, aerial line 20 KV with overload relay Phases – Earth and Automatic Reclosing of type IM 30 – DRE by Microelletrica Company
Planning, design, installation and arrangement of the secondary protection relays of the Central Substation 20 KV nine (9) Relay. (Relay IM 30 Microelletrica)
Commisioning at Substation 150KV in Nafpaktos.
Measurement of Medium Voltage cables (50 KV / 1 min)
Testing and arrangement of the production unit
Replacement of the protection relays of the Substation, testing and arrangement for the proper operation so that there is cooperation with the respective protection means of the PPC (Relay SPAJ 140 A.B.B.)
Measurements of the network’s parameters
Replacement of the three secondary protection relays and their arrangement for selective protection with the PPC at the Central Substation 20 KV. (Relay SPAJ 140 A.B.B.)
Measurements of the LV network’s parameters
Measurement of Power Transformer 20 KV (Resistance to Industrial frequency 37.5 KV / 1min)
Planning and installation of protection system and arrangement for selective protection with the PPC of the Substation of the co-production up to the automatic arrangement and parallelism at the MV (Relay SPAJ 140, SPAU 110, SPAA 348 C A.B.B.)
Planning, design, installation and arrangement of the secondary protection relays of the Central Substation 20 KV four (4) Relays. (Relays SPAJ 140 A.B.B.)
Testing of the protection relays at the Aeolian Park – mount Attavyros in Rhodes.
Planning, installation and arrangement of the secondary protection Relays of the MV fields of the Power Building and the power supply fields at the area next to the PPC, fifteen (15) Relays in total. (Relay SPAJ 140 A.B.B.)
Agreement for the testing of the protection relays at 681 Substations of BK II type of the MV Clients of Attica Region.
Installation of protection relays at the two aerial departures for the testing of earth errors (Relay SPAU 110 A.B.B.)
Planning and installation of interconnections among the fields of Athens University and the PPC for non-parallelism of the generators of the co-production with the PPC.
Planning, design, installation and arrangement of the secondary protection relays (overcurrent of phases land-inverse power-zero sequence voltage) of the parallelism system of the co-production with the PPC at the Medium Voltage.
Measurement of the currents and harmonics at the nods of Power Transformers 150/20-20 KV Power 100 KVA at the PPC.
Supply and replacement of the secondary protection Relays at the Substation’s Transformers.
Testing of the protection relays of the Loop and MV Relay PS 441 and PS431 ALSTOM
Measurements of the insulations of the circuits and floors of Operating rooms.
Measurements of the insulations of the circuits and floors of Operating rooms.
Planning and installation of surveillance systems of insulation of the electrical circuits at the recovery room of the operating rooms and the cardiac surgery room
Planning and installation of surveillance systems of insulation of the electrical circuits of the operating rooms and the ICU.
Planning and installation of surveillance systems of insulation of the electrical circuits of the operating rooms and the recovery room.
Works of operational control and measurements in electrical equipment at the CCR Unit and the Revamping Units in ELPE of Thessaloniki, as subcontractor of AVGIDIS AUTOMATION S.A.
Planning, design and installation of the secondary protection relays of the Central Substation 20 KV nine (9) Relays, as well as their arrangement for selective protection with the PPC. (Relay SPAJ 140 A.B.B.)